I started reading it the same day I picked it up. And started learning things right away. It talks about preparing to get pregnant and one of the first things it says to do is to get a physical and dental exam. I never thought the health of my teeth could effect my future pregnancy- but apparently, "gum disease is associated with pregnancy complications such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, and gestational diabetes." Better safe than sorry I guess. I'm not going to rush in to the dentist, but I'll probably make an appointment here in the next month or so. I know I probably have a cavity or two- so I'll have to have some money saved up for that. Hopefully dental work won't blow our vacation savings. In June or July I'll go in for my physical and get all the blood work and stuff done to make sure I am healthy.
One thing I was excited to read though, is that what I am doing is exactly right! (I knew I wasn't crazy!) The book said that more and more research is showing that you really should take at least an extra 3 months before you conceive to prepare yourself for conception/pregnancy. We are still about 6 months away from our goal conception date- but I'm glad at this point. The book also mentioned that it will be easier to conceive if I am within the ideal weight range for my height. So that's with the 20-24 BMI range or between 121-153 lbs. I've got a lot of work ahead of me! As of this morning, my Wii Fit told me I am 195. That means I have 42 pounds to lose by mid August (they recommend being at your ideal weight for a while before your try.) That means that to reach my goal by August 21st- I have to lose 2lbs a week. I am comfortable with that goal- it doesn't seem to unreasonable or unhealthy. It won't be easy but I think I can do it!
As of yesterday, I have started keeping a food journal- where I am going to write down everything I put in my mouth to help me be more aware and make healthier decisions. I'm also tracking goals pertaining to my health in my food journal. I have my weight goal written down, and I've decided that once a week I will do a weigh in Wednesday and record my progress. I also have a goal to take my prenatal every day. It's not really necessary for me to take it at this point, but it doesn't hurt either. It will help to fill in the nutritional holes my daily diet might not fill in. As far as food goes, I am going to try to eat more whole grains and lean proteins, more greens, and almonds & blueberries (rumor has it, those two can help boost your chances of conception.) And of course- cutting way back on the fast food- no matter how convenient it may be!
I'm going to try and exercises every day (except Sunday) too. My goal may seem overly ambitious at this point, but I am going to try it! If it doesn't work, I can re-evaluate next week. I borrowed my sister's Fluidity bar and dvds and tried out my first work out with them today. I thought it would be pretty easy and low impact, but it was pretty tough! I had to do the wimpy beginner moves on a lot of the exercises- but I think the more I do it, the less strenuous it will be and the more fun I will have doing it. I can already tell I am going to be sore tomorrow- but I don't mind sore, because that means I actually did something! I decide I really like this program, and stick with it for the next 4 months, I will have the most amazing butt ever! My legs and abs will probably look pretty good too. I am going to try and do the 30 minute fluidity work out, and about 15-20 minutes of Wii Fit Yoga every day, and take the puppies for a walk a few times a week. As I start actually losing the weight, I'll probably take up jogging again, but at my weight right now, it's kinda rough.
When I think about losing the weight and being more healthy, I get so happy. I think it's because I have such a great motivation this time. And even though I am going to gain a lot of the weight back during pregnancy, I feel like if I can get going on eating healthier now, and doing some of the lower impact workouts, like the yoga- once I have the baby, I'll have those habits in place and be ready to work on losing the weight again.
I have to go hop in the shower and get ready for work now, but I'm sure I'll be back on here a few days, talking about something else I have learned from my book! I carry it with me in my lunch bag to work and read it on all breaks. I just can't put it down. I can't wait for Nathan to have some down time when we are both home, so he can sit down and read some of the advice for the "wanna be dads."