Monday, March 8, 2010

one year- where are we going from here?

Well, we did it! We made it through the first year of marriage without getting pregnant! Everyone thought we'd be knocked up right away for sure; people were even placing bets on it!

But Nathan and I had said from the get go that we didn't want to get pregnant our first year of marriage- we wanted to spend that time settling in to our new life together, getting to know eachother, and planning the future. And that's exactly what we have done. We've spent this past year learning all about one another, moving and settling into an actual house, raising puppies, figuring out our financial situation, trying to find just the right insurance, and much, much more.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to plan- and Nathan is an Eagle Scout; always prepared. So, as you can imagine, we aren't going to let pregnancy catch us by surprise! A lot of thought and planning and preparation has gone into our decision to get pregnant- and that's why I decided to start this blog. #1- to keep help me keep tabs on my planning, and #2 to keep close friends and family informed on the whole process- once we make the announcement.

That's right, I am writing here about 6 months before we are planning on "trying" and we aren't going to tell our family until I enter my second my trimester. That's why this blog is private- because we don't want anyone to know yet! Once we make the announcment it will probably stay private- but the invites will start going out to anyone that wants access.

I can't even tell you how excited I am to start a family with the love of my life- even though it's still quite a ways off. I have always known I wanted kids- Nathan, on the other hand, isn't such a big fan of, he isn't quite as excited as I am yet. Right now, he's in provider mode- crunching numbers and making sure we have enough money saved up not only for doctors appointments and labor and delivery, but all the nursery garb and baby gear too.

There has been so much baby news swirling around lately: Marvin and Sarah found out they are expecting, Kendyl just had a baby boy a few weeks ago, my friend Megan is expecting her second baby, Nathan's former boss Sabrina just had a little makes me so anxious! I can't wait for September to get here so we can get this show on the road!

Baby Lunt will hopefully be it's way before the end of the year, and I'll be keeping notes on here all along the way. It should be a fun little experience!

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