Saturday, April 10, 2010

it's like crack!!

Shopping for baby stuff is like crack for me! SUPER addicting. I went back to Babies R Us- because I wanted to check out the price of a chair and put it on lay away.

THIS is the chair. I absolutely love it and it matches the nursery bedding I have picked out PERFECTLY. Not to mention, it would work in the living room until we have the baby or after the baby grows out of the nursery stage.

Unfortunately, this perfectly fabulous chair costs a little over $400. I just couldn't justify paying that much- even over time, putting it on lay away. The crib and the crib bedding combined doesn't even cost that much. *sigh* Maybe one day I will have the money to buy awesome furniture that costs more than a couple hundred dollars.

Anyway, while I was there, the whole baby shopping being like crack kicked in when I saw these:

Aren't they freakin' adorable?!! I couldn't resist! I had to get them to add to Sabrina's present for Baby Bailey! I think she will now have that whole collection- haha! 2 shirts, 2 bottoms, 1 dress, and some sassy little baby shoes that will match any of the 5 outfits! They are coming over tonight for dinner, so we'll get to meet Bailey for the first time.

Nathan was like, "You are really excited to know someone who has a little baby girl aren't you?" He says I am living vicariously through Sabrina. That's about all I can do at this point! Our baby making days are still practically half a year away.

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