Monday, May 3, 2010

sad news...

So Nathan and I sat down a couple weeks ago and took a good hard look at our monthly budget, and there seems to be a pretty big gap. This gap is no big deal while I have a job, my income easily fills in where needed, but I don't want to work after I have a baby. It's really important to me to be able to be a stay at home mom. So, unfortunately, we are pushing our baby making plans out for at least a year- maybe even a little more. We're going to start building up our savings that it will not only cover the costs of delivery and baby gear, but also those little gaps in the budget. I want to have enough saved to cover those gaps for at least a year if not more- so I can focus on raising our baby and giving him or her the best life possible.

When we first made this budgeting discovery I was absolutely devastated. It was the worst news I have gotten in my life up to this point. My heart hurt for days. But the more and more I think about it, the better I feel about it. I know in my heart that it's the right decision for us to wait and build up our savings. I am also excited to spend more time, just me and Nathan. And don't think for a second that I have removed babies from my mind at all! We even bought some other little things for the future nursery while we were out the other night. So, we haven't given up on the idea by any means, we are just giving ourselves a little more time to prepare. When you look at the picture of our lives, the wait isn't very long at all. One year? Psssshhhh- the one year Nathan and I have been married so far has flown by. I'll be pregnant before you know it! lol

So anyway, I probably will only post every month or so until the time gets closer and that's why it's been a while since I have said anything on here.

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