Friday, March 15, 2013

pregnancy brain!

I blame this week's lack of detail on pregnancy brain! I forgot to write anything down, so I am doing this from memory- which is probably going to suck. I would remember that I needed to write things down, but would get distracted before actually doing so. Another example of this- I just now got up to get a drink of water and when I came back to the computer I forgot what I was even going to type next! Yikes. My forgetfulness is something that I have noticed more in the past few weeks. I will be in the middle of sentence- or even a word- and have to pause to remember what I was saying or how to say it. I feel pretty dumb sometimes and Nathan has even gotten frustrated with me a couple times when I have to stop in the middle of what I am saying like "Spit it out already!"

Breathing is getting increasing more difficult when I am in certain positions. Sometimes when I am sitting, I have to get up and stand, or walk around for a while. The other day I was sitting on the couch, watching tv and my lungs just felt so squished! So I decided to go for a walk around my neighborhood (which by the way smells like rotisserie chicken in the evenings.) I was about halfway through my walk when my hands and feet started to feel puffy; by the time I got home I was super swollen. It was really nice to get out the house and get some fresh air though. I think I am going to start doing more little walks around the neighborhood.

Let's see...what else.....Oh! I signed us up for a childbirth class at the hospital. Here is the description of the class:

Topics include preparing for labor and delivery, OB orientation, body changes, stages of labor,
breathing techniques, positions for labor and delivery, as well as medical options & practices, a
video on labor and delivery, C-sections, and a tour. Please bring 4 bed sized pillow to each class
and your "Parents to be" book; which you receive from your doctor's office.

Our class in the first week in May. I don't expect to learn a ton, but I do think it will help me feel a little more prepared- especially since it is based around the experience of that particular hospital. I have done a ton of reading on labor and delivery and c-sections already. I have even read through the "Parents to be" book that they mention in the description of class at least twice already. The first time I looked at it- I dubbed it the scariest book ever written; I wasn't ready to read/see all that yet and it was pretty much terrifying. Then I got to thinking, that it's not really anything to be scared of and reading about it, and knowing what is going to happen is going to make it a lot less scary. Now I don't feel scared about labor or delivery at all. I haven't fooled myself into thinking that it's going to be easy or comfortable, and I'm sure once the contractions start, I might get anxious- but I'm not scared or worried about it. I am actually really excited to take the class and tour the hospital.

I also decided this week to do some research about places in the valley that do elective 3d/4d ultra sounds. I got a little flyer about one place in Gilbert, but it seemed really pricey- like $200. I thought I might want to do it, but I don't want to pay THAT much for it. I found a place that does pretty much the same thing for $90- so I think we are going to do it! They have a setup that allows for up to 20 guests, but we are thinking that we will only invite the grandparents. I know the only part of me that's exposed for an ultra sound is my tummy, so it's not really that, I dunno, I just feel like it would be weird to have TWENTY people in the room. I do think it would be cool for Nathan and I, and the grandparents to get a sneak peak of the baby. I am so anxious to see what he looks like!

And while I am on the topic of spending money, we bought another bigger baby item this week- the pack-n-play! I got the one that matches the travel system. It had good reviews and wasn't super expensive. Plus, I like the colors and design.

Now for some pregnancy TMI- I am warning you in advance, if you don't want to read it- skip to the next paragraph. Ok.... so another thing that happened this week that was totally weird- my boobs started leaking! Not like a lot or anything, just a few droplets through out the day. And I don't think it's happening everyday- I've just noticed it a couple times this week. It's not even bad enough for me wear breast pads- I think it would be a waste at this point- but I am going to bring it to Dr. Tutt at my appointment on Monday to see what I should expect. Maybe I need to have some breast pad things laying around just in case? I dunno- I've never done this before.

Alright, I think just about covers it for this week. The only other thing going on is that I am getting more and more excited to meet this little guy every day! It's getting more and more real that we are finally going to parents! I am getting nesting urges, but can't do a ton of nesting until after my baby shower in April- but I am doing little things here and there. I am just so incredibly grateful for this experience- no matter how uncomfortable and awkward it may be at times. It truly is a miracle that I am amazed by every day.

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