Tuesday, March 26, 2013

one more week until...

One more week until I start my third trimester! Actually, it is only a few more days now...I meant to right this post last week. This post probably won't be too long since I plan on posting again before the end of the week. So let's see....what happened last week that I was going to blog about....ah yes! Our doctor's appointment!

Well the 25 week appointment is the glucose test appointment (to test for gestational diabetes)- so I had to fast for 3-4 hours before my appointment and then drink this orange flavored drink and then get my blood drawn. I was kinda nervous because I had read lots of posts on the message boards and heard first hand from some other people in my life that the drink was really terrible. To my surprise, it wasn't bad at all! It had a tiny bit of weird after taste to me and about halfway to our appointment I started feeling a little queasy  but it didn't taste as bad as everyone said. To me, it just tasted like orange flavored Hi-C. The results of my test came back a couple days later and- great news- no gestational diabetes! Yay! But my hemoglobin levels were low so now I am supposed to take an iron supplement. Boooooo!

At this last appointment, Dr. Tutt also did another gender check and verified 100% that our baby is a boy! I am not posting the ultra sound pic because I probably couldn't remember how to label things- it was a weird angle- but anyway Dr. Tutt pointed out on the screen where the cord was and then said "See this over here, this is not the cord. That is definitely a penis and scrotum and they are attached. 100% boy." I was hoping to get a picture of the baby's face- but it was apparently buried somewhere in my hip, so I couldn't. Hopefully when we go for our 3d/4d ultra sound in a couple weeks he will cooperate and be a position where we can see him!

I also started getting sick again this week. Which sucks. I have had to pop a Zofran a couple times and that combined with the iron supplement is making me all backed up again. Ugh-I thought that part was over!

Another thing I learned last week- bowling is much more difficult than I expected while pregnant. My score was awful and I was pretty sore by the end of the night. It was still a fun time, but I don't know if I would do it again until after this baby bump is gone. We went with Marvin and Sarah, and got a little cheater ramp for Marley to be able to play- and she even beat me! Yep- I got my butt handed to me in bowling by my 2 year old niece.

Well, that's all for now. I will save the rest of my news for my next post in a couple days.

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