Monday, April 8, 2013

what's been happening

Greetings from my third trimester and the beginning of my 29th week of pregnancy! I am down to like 80 days or something like that. Woo!!
Here is my latest belly picture- feeling fat and sassy. 

So, I was planning on doing more blogging, shortly after the last time I blogged, but then life happened and I got busy doing things and then Nathan accidentally knicked the cable line while trenching the back yard for sprinklers, so my internet was down. Then by the time it was back up I figured I might as well wait until after my 3/4d ultra sound that was a few days later. Then the day after that the Sanders family dog died- and then we had General Conference and stuff- and anyway- I am forcing myself to do it now before I get too far behind.

So first of all, Carters and Osh Kosh were having 50% off everything in the store sales, and I had coupons for both store that would give me an additional 25% off, so naturally I had to do some baby clothes shopping. I wasn't planning on buying anything until after my baby shower, but I just couldn't let that kind of savings pass me by, so I bought a few things. I did pretty well at buying a variety of sizes though, so he won't grow out everything really quickly.

I put all the clothes we have gotten for him in a crate that is sitting in the middle of the nursery, and every time I walk it I get so excited for him to actually get here and wear all these cute things! While we were shopping, I told my mom that having a baby is like having a living doll that you get to dress up every day! She told me that eventually the novelty will wear off.

Here is a picture of the clothes we have so far:

While we were are the mall I also decided to look for some new, ultra comfortable flip flops for myself because the cheapy ones I had bought from Target quite a while ago are getting more and more worn down and uncomfortable. I tried on pair after pair but found every one to be too tight on fat, swollen preggo feet, or too hard/stiff. I seriously wanted to cry.

I also had to take a couple breaks to just sit down because my back and hips were killing me! This is a very common occurrence since entering my 3rd trimester. My lower back and hips are almost constantly sore. It's very difficult to find a sitting or laying position that is comfortable for more than 15 minutes. I finally broken down and really cleaned my bath tub so I could take a bath; It was GLORIOUS. I can do things to help stretch and loosen in the tub that I can't do other wise- like hip circles and stuff. I also turned short ways in the tub with my legs crossed and laid my head on the side of the tub- it felt so good to be hunched over and in space that kept my legs crossed and where I wanted them. I am thinking that tub time is going to be at least a once a week event, if not more frequent- at least until it gets warm enough to be in a pool!

Nathan is still being as wonderful and supportive as ever. While I was at my nieces birthday party- he surprised me by putting together the crib! He did a fabulous job; it looks fantastic! I am a little perturbed though, because it's supposed to be "espresso" but it has kind of a cherry tint to it. In the pictures I guess it looks fine, but in person it doesn't match quite as well as I had hoped when I ordered it. I still love it though. I wanted to go right out and buy the mattress and sheets and get it all set up, but we decided it was still a little premature for that. For the time being, the crib is being used a pillow and stuffed animal corral.

Here are couple pictures of how the nursery is coming along. I am still deciding what to do above crib...

As fantastic as my husband has been, we did have quite a heated and lengthy discussion a couple weeks back about spending holidays with our families. I didn't ever think that topic would be so passionately explored. Nathan and I are both very stubborn and love our immediate families very much and neither one of us wanted to budge on the time we thought should be spent on certain holidays. I won't recap our entire "discussion" but I think we finally reached the decision to split everything 50/50. We plan on making a holiday schedule for the entire year, and then when the next year rolls around- just about everything gets flipped. Some things will stay the same because of pre-scheduled family reunions and such- but we are just going to do our best to be fair and make everyone happy.

One thing that made me super happy was that Nathan was finally able to feel the baby kick! We were sitting in the car outside our clay supplier, waiting for them to open and the baby was moving around all over the place, so I asked Nathan if he wanted to try and feel. I put his hand and my tummy and he didn't really feel anything at first- then Xander gave a nice strong kick right on his palm- and Nathan was like "I felt that one!!" The smile on his face was priceless and totally made my day. It was adorable. He has been trying to feel him more often now- and I am just loving it. Xander is a little stinker about it most of the time though- he usually starts kicking up a storm as soon as Nathan leaves for work or as soon as Nathan falls asleep. His kicks and movements are getting much stronger though; they often catch me by surprise and sometimes kind of tickle me from the inside. It's weird- but kinda awesome at the same time.

One part of pregnancy that is getting old is the questions that get repeated to me over and over and over. I mean, it's kinda nice that so many people have an interest in my baby and pregnancy and all that but I am beginning to feel like broken record, saying the same things over and over again. I kinda want to get a t-shirt to wear anytime I leave the house that says "Yes I am pregnant. It's a boy, we are naming him Xander. He is due June 27th!"

Another reason that this t-shirt might be a good idea is because the way my brain has been working lately, I may forget the answers to some of those repeated questions. I have the worst case of pregnancy brain lately- WHICH by the way- is a real things. Women's brains shrink during pregnancy- it's a scientific fact. And apparently, my iron deficiency isn't helping the matter. I will be walking through my house to go do something and completely forget why or what I was going to do. It happens every day- multiple times. I feel really stupid- a lot! I am having a much harder time remembering things. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse than it already is.

Other delightful pregnancy symptoms I am currently dealing with:
Stretch marks- I already had some from rapid weight gain in my past- but now they are extending and getting red and ugly on the ends where they are growing. Lucky for me, no one even sees my belly except for me and my husband and my OB.
Constant peeing- I swear every time I stand up now, I have to pee. And I am pretty sure that a few times a day the baby is punching me directly in my bladder.
Hemorrhoids- that one doesn't need explaining- pretty uncomfortable.
Growing belly- It's making it harder to things that I never really thought about before. I always knew that shoe tying and toenail painting would be an issue- but there are other things that just never occurred to me. (This may seem like TMI to some, but it's just reality people!) For example- I have always been a between the legs kinda gal when it comes to wiping after going to the restroom. As my belly grows, this task has become increasingly more difficult. This is something that never crossed my mind before as being an issue for pregnant ladies- but according my WTE group- I am definitely not the only one who is having this trouble. I guess us preggos will just have to learn to adjust to the reach around wipe.

I will end this post with a happier topic- my 3d/4d ultra sound! We went this past Friday, with both sets of grandparents. I was very excited going into this- getting to see my baby for the first time- but it wasn't all I had hoped for. Most of the pictures are blurry or distorted- and between my anterior placenta, and the little guy wanting to keep his hands up by his face it was hard to get many good pictures.

This, is what I think, is the best one:

And here's a good example of the hand in front of the face...

I can't remember now why I posted this one....(see?! pregnancy brain!)

And here is a picture of his little crossed feet! So cute.

The experience wasn't exactly what I had hoped for- but it was still pretty cool. It looks like he's going to be a cutie- but really I wasn't too worried about that.  My parents were also generous enough to pay for a stuffed animal that has a recording of the baby's heart beat- so that's pretty neat. Well, that's all for now! More exciting updates next week sometime!

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