Tuesday, June 26, 2012


As I have been going through all this, I keep finding myself wanting information. I want to know why this is happening to me and what I can do about it. Unfortunately, because there are many different causes of infertility, I need to get the "why" answers from a doctor- and until I know "why" it's pretty hard to research exactly what to do to improve my situation.

I was randomly searching on Amazon today for free books for my Kindle app and decided to see what was available on Kindle regarding fertility. There were some books that I recognized from other research (but they weren't free!) and then some other really bizarre ones! Honestly, it's really frightening to me how much false and misleading information there is out there on this topic. And I am sure there are people there, desperate to conceive that just take it all in. My thought is- if it was a fool proof solution- there would be a lot more information about it.  While I believe that diet/nutrition, fitness, and faith are all huge contributors to boosting fertility- I do not believe that there is a baby making diet, or exercise routine- or that I can pray or meditate a baby into my belly.

So- what I am most looking forward to in the coming months- either getting pregnant (the preferred option) OR going back to the doctor to get some more in depth answers and advice. Heaven knows that as soon as I know exactly what's going on- I'll be all over getting information and advice to treat it.

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