Wednesday, November 7, 2012

my shopping cart: morning sickness editon

Well since my last post my nausea has been pretty persistent. My eating routines have changed a bit since this "morning" sickness has kicked in, so here is a little look into what I can stomach these days.
Pre-made soup. I love anything that just needs to be heated up. Bonus: it tastes delicious.
I heard that sucking on peppermints can help alleviate morning sickness. I have found it does help me a bit.
Peppermint flavored water. My theory was that if peppermint and staying hydrated are supposed to help nausea, peppermint water would be a God send,  so I tossed 4 of these suckers into the cart. Turns out that it doesn't do much. It doesn't help, but it doesn't hurt either.
Oyster crackers. LOVE for a quick stomach neutralizer!
The nurse from the "Future Mom" hotline said to eat peanut butter crackers before bed to help prevent night time sickness, so these are sitting on my night stand.
Um... cookies just sounded good at the time....
These english muffins advertised that they were high in fiber. Heaven knows I neeeeeeed fiber these days and peanut butter sounded delish to go on top.
Apple sauce sounded nice and neutral and potentially nutritious.
I haven't eaten pop tarts in ages- but when I came across these, I had to get them. I couldn't even wait until I got home to eat one. I busted them out while I was loading the rest of the groceries into the car.
Milk and cereal.
Watermelon was another thing I heard would help nausea.
Unfortunately it didn't work for me, but it didn't make throw up either, so it's not a total waste.
A bunch of frozen crap that just needs to be heated- because I DO NOT feel like preparing anything.
So there is a peak at what I have been eating. I try to sneak in nutritious stuff where ever I can but I just eat what whatever doesn't turn my stomach at that given moment.  Ugh! Nausea is the worst!

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