Wednesday, November 14, 2012

is it almost 2nd trimester yet???

So I went to the doctor again on Friday and I am "officially" pregnant now. They did another ultra sound, right at 7 weeks and you can see the little gummy bear shaped baby AND I got to see it's little heart beat too! It was pretty darn cool. Unfortunately Nathan had to work, so he didn't get to see it. If he can't come to my next appointment I am going to see if Dr. Tutt will let me record part of the ultra sound on my iPhone so I can show Nathan later.

My next appointment isn't until November 28th, but we decided that we are not going to wait until Christmas to tell the family. We are planning and announcing the pregnancy at Thanksgiving and I honestly can't wait. It's so hard keeping it secret! I keep having dreams that I accidentally tell someone and everyone finds out. I had one dream where Marvin just figured out- we were at some family function and Marvin was like "Oh come on people, Tarin is OBVIOUSLY pregnant. She has like every symptom- how does nobody else see this!?" It was a very realistic dream- I woke up all panicked thinking....Marvin knows..... Haha! Anyway, Thanksgiving is only a week away- and I am so happy that the family is going to know so I can stop trying to hide how miserable I am.

I feel so blessed that I have the ability to get pregnant and I know I am going to be thrilled out of my mind when the baby actually gets here, but every day I feel so awful! I cannot wait for the first trimester to be over- SUPPOSEDLY my symptoms should start to feel better between 11 and 14 weeks. I try to keep in mind that this is only temporary but Christmas (close to my 14 week mark) seems reeeeeally far away right now. Every time I got up to walk anywhere in my house yesterday I would dry heave. I can't control it- I just feel sick all day and all night. My doc prescribed me Zofran but it only helps withe the nausea 25% of the time. I guess it's possible that it is doing something though because I haven't thrown up since taking it- well except for a little bit the other day when I attempted to do dishes.

I miss sleeping like a normal person. Between having to pee and having a giant gas bubble constantly lurking around my digestive track- a good nights sleep seems impossible. Heck, even finding a comfortable sleeping position is hard and I don't even have a baby belly yet! And in case you were wondering, at the moment I am slurping down a smoothie with hefty dose of fiber supplement because I'm all backed up! It reminded me of the quote from Juno when she tells her parents she is pregnant- "If it's any consolation, I have heart burn that is radiating in my knee caps and I have taken a dump since Wednesday...morning!"

I'm just really looking forward to feeling human again!

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