Tuesday, January 8, 2013

yeah, it's been 2 months...

Sorry about that. I had a pretty miserable first trimester which prevented from me from really wanting to do anything besides lay in bed with a trash can near by. So this is going to be one long post to bring you up to date on as much stuff as I can remember right now. I will however break it down b subject with headings, so if there is something you don't want to read, you can skip over it (I realize a lot of pregnancy stuff is gross and TMI)

morning sickness

Or in my case, all day and all night sickness. I felt absolutely awful just about every single day during my first trimester. The Zofran (anti-nausea med) did help keep me from vomiting most of the time, but it didn't always help with the nausea.

My mother in law intrpduced me to peppermint and ginger essential oils, which did help some with nausea relief and worked really well as emergency puke stoppers. If I feel some up-chuck coming, I just rub a drop of the oil under my tongue and I feel better almost instantly. It's great.

Unfortunately, sometimes the puke cannot be stopped. I have probably thrown up around a dozen times throughout my entire pregnancy, which I know isn't bad. There are people throwing up a lot more- but frankly I am a throw-up weenie. I hate it more than anything! Every time it happens it feels like every single muscle and organ and whatever in my abdoman just wrench. It's the worst feeling.

My most infamous sickness symptom though, which Nathan loves to make fun of, is my gagging/dry heaving. Just about anytime I get up to do something after sitting or laying for a while, I dry heave- making a horrible gaggy puke noise- usually followed by me saying "I'm ok." Only a couple times has it led to actual puke.

So I have been in my second trimester for a couple weeks now, and I happy to report that I am feeling MUCH better. This is not to say, however, that my nausea/sickness has disappeared. I just don't feel like death all the time. I am down to 1 zofran pill a day- usually sometime in the morning. I was doing 2 a day (they last 8 hours) and on really bad days I would do 3. So, it's good to be cutting back on the meds and it's GREAT to be able to get out of bed and move around and do things. I'm still hoping that my nausea issues will disappear completely within the next week or so, but I'm not holding my breath.

sleep habits

I never knew sleeping could be so hard! I can hardly ever find a comfortable position to lay in, and when I do, it rarely lasts. I roll over about a dozen times each night, and every time I do, I wake up. It usually takes me 5-10 minutes to fall asleep again. So that means, on average, I lose almost 2 hours of sleep each night, just from rolling over and trying to be comfortable.

I can no longer lay on my tummy at all- which is totally weird. Every time I try I get a weird pressure in my lower abdoman and it's way uncomfortable- and it says in the book that once it's uncomfortable, don't do it anymore. I have tried it serveral different times, hoping that maybe it was just a weird gas pressure or something, but it's not. Apparently my uterus just doesn't want that kind of pressure on it anymore.

Speaking of my pesky uterus, it now requires extra support when I lay on my side or I am uncomfortable laying that way. So I now have to wedge a blanket or pillow between the bed and belly whenever I sleep on my side.

Nathan has been "sick" this past week with a cold, that made his usual snore more gurgly and disgusting, so I spent 4-5 days sleeping on the couch- which actually wasn't terrible. I had the best night sleep of my pregnancy so far on one of those nights- but I am to be sleeping in my own bed again- even when Nathan steels the blanket or pillow out from under my belly.

my boobs

I won't spend a lot of time on this topic but it must be documented. My boobs have changed and it's totally weird. My favorite bra used to have an insert that boosted me a cup size or two, and that got taken out weeks ago and I have been wearing as a normal bra instead of a push-up- so I guess a lot people wouldn't really notice the size difference, now it's just all natural insteaded padded.  They are bigger though- which means they are heavier- which means when I take my bra off and gravity hits, not only do I sometimes feel like I am going to topple over, but it hurts. My nipples have gotten all weird... it's just a bizzare thing- and they are so sensitive! Sometimes when the shower water hits them I kinda want to cry. So anyway, that's what's been happening with my boobs.

my crazy emotions

This is something that I didn't notice a ton at first, but has been showing up more and more often lately. I have gotten teary over certain commercials and tv shows- which is really strange for me because I am not really a crier over stuff like that. I don't typically cry over movies or media or whatever.

There has been a couple times when Nathan has said things to me that I just start crying- Example: Nathan says "I think I am going to get the Christmas tree out today so we can start decorating." and....Tarin cries. Why? I don't know, I was just really happy that he cared about making the house look nice for the holidays.

My temper has gotten a little shorter, I don't have a patience as I used to, which some people should watch out for, because I didn't always have very much to begin with. I find myself getting frustrated more easily too.

 And when it comes to my interactions with Nathan, I am either head over heels and just think he so wonderful and hilarious or he is getting on my last nerve. There usually isn't really an inbetween. I haven't found myself hating or resenting him or anything- he just gets kind of annoying and drives me crazy- but in like an angry way...I don't know if that even makes sense at all.


Oh....my...GOSH! I long for the day when I am regular again. Constipation is a symptom of pregnancy anyway and then I am taking Zofran on top of that, and of course it's biggest side effect is constipation. I try to eat more fiber and a take stool softener (when I remember) but I still only poop like every 2.5-3 days. And lately it has been hard, awful poop that feels like it's going to rip me in two as it's coming out. I just a normal bowel movement! Is that too much to ask?! Please?! I get so jealous every time Nathan goes #2.... never thought I would think/say that; especially not on  a daily basis!


So a few weeks back we had a bit of a scare. We were at Lowe's for something, and I had to go to bathroom - no surprise, I always have to go to the bathroom- but when I went to wipe I had spotting. It was night time, so the doctor's office was closed- but luckily our Insurance has a 24-hour nurse line for pregnant ladies- so I called them. They asked me a bunch of questions, and they told me that it wasn't an emergency as of yet, so relax and call my doctor in the morning. Well naturally I didn't more than like 10-20 minutes at a time that night because I was so worried, and when I got up to go to the bathroom, the bleeding seemed like it was getting heavier.

I called Dr. Tutt's office frist thing in the morning and told them what was going on, and they were able to get me in within the hour. I had an emergency ultra sounds and....everything was fine. I got to see the baby wiggling around and I saw the heart beat on the screen. The doctor said that the placenta was pretty close to the cervix and that was probably what was causing the little bit of bleeding. He put me on pelvic rest until my regularly scheduled appointment the next week.

The spotting stopped a couple days later, and my next appointment went well-so no worries!

ultra sounds

Here is the latest picture of little one- from the day after Christmas.

I feel so blessed to have a doctor and insurance that allows me to have an ultra sound at every OB appointment. I know a lot of ladies are only given one or two unless something serious happens. It's fun to get to see the growth, and always sets my mind at ease actually being able to see the baby and know he or she is ok.

Dr. Tutt says he doesn't know how other doctors do it- having to send patients out for ultra sounds and not being able to just do it in the office whenever. Our next appointment is on January 21st and we will hopefully be finding out the gender at the appointment- as long as baby cooperates.  We are still deciding if we are going to spread the news or keep it a secret.

telling the family

Oh yeah, we told our family! We actually wound up telling both sets of parents a little earlier than Thanksgiving. We were driving to have dinner with my parents for Nathan's birthday and I said to Nathan, "You know what would be really cool? If you told your mom that we are going to have the baby on the anniversary of the day that she gave birth to you!" So we decided to do that and then tell the parents to keep is hush hush until Thanksgiving.

I told my parents as we were walking out to our cars after dinner that night- and guess what? They didn't even believe me at first! I had to show them an ultra sound pic on my phone and give all the due info and all that before they accepted it as reality. Then they were super excited! Nathan planned on calling his mom later on that evening, but she wound up calling him first to wish him a happy birthday- so he told her when she called. She excited too and even cried when he told her. She had apprently suspected, but hadn't said anything.

My dad was hilarious, he had the hardest time waiting for us to tell everyone else. It was less than a week- but he was super excited. When we came over to my parents house on Thanksgiving morning to eat food and watch the parade with everyone, he made sure everyone gathered around so we could share our big news. Everyone cheered and clapped and gave hugs- a few people shed some tears of joy. It was lovely.

When we went to the Lunt's house for Thanksgiving dinner- Nathan said the blessing on the food and then right after made the announcement. Naturally, everyone was excited for us there too, but Nathan admitted on the drive home that he was a little disappointed that there wasn't fanfare like with Sanders side. I felt the love equally from both sides of the family though.


Christmas was awesome. We got some fun little things for the baby from people on both sides of the famly and we got some really exciting news too. My cousin Desiree is pregnant too! She and her husband are expecting their second child on....JUNE 27th! Yep! We have the same due date! How cool is that!?

We also decided to take our announcement public around Christmas time too on our blog. It's crazy to think that this was last Christmas we will have, just the two of us. It's kind of surreal!

cleaning out the nursery

We have started on the gargantuan task of cleaning out my craft room and transforming it into a nursery. I am having to get rid of a lot of stuff- it's bitter sweet. Bitter, because I was hoping to turn all these things into super cute craft projects at some point- but sweet, because there is nothing I would rather replace all that stuff with than a baby. We still have quite a ways to go. I wish I had taken a before and after picture- but my pregnant brain didn't think of it soon enough.

my amazing husband

Nathan has been absolutely wonderful through my entire pregnancy. Even on the days when he is driving me crazy, I can still recognize how awesome he is being. He has been unbelievably understanding and compassionate. He does his best to make sure I have everything I need and almost always willing to help fill my food cravings. He doesn't get annoyed with my crying, and he gives me plenty of hugs and support when I need it.  He takes such amazing care of me and I can feel more and more each day how much he loves me. I could go on and on, but of course, I have started to cry just typing this and I feel ridiculous bawling in front of my computer screen- but I had to give a shout out to my love.

baby belly 

 And we will end this post with a pic of my "baby belly." I am pretty sure that to people who don't know me, I still just look fat and not pregnant. But I did manage to snap a picture that shows off more of the roundness and doesn't just look like chub. So here is my "bump" at 15 weeks, 4 days.

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