Thursday, January 17, 2013

little update

Things are moving along slowly but surely. I am 17 weeks today (and still sick!)

The craft room is almost completely cleaned out- we are in the process of trying to sell off a bunch of stuff on Craigslist. We bought a crib online that we should have any day now (though we probably won't set it up til everything else is out of that room.) I was super psyched to find pretty close to my dream crib for such an affordable price! We spent less than $300 and it comes with a changing table! It's lovely. Now that I know what the crib is like, I pretty much have the nursery laid out in my mind. It's going to be so adorable that I can barely even stand it! Can't wait to get everything set up!!

In other developmental news, I have started to feel the baby move a lot more often- usually a couple times a day. I am excited for the time when Nathan is going to be able to feel it too. It's pretty neat.

I anxiously waiting for Monday to get here! Only 4 more days and we get to see our little one again and make they are growing up healthy and, hopefully, find out if it's a boy or a girl! YOU my friends, will have to wait a bit longer though! We aren't telling anyone until the baby shower. It's going to be a baby shower/ gender reveal party and it's not going to happen until probably April-ish.

Oh, and another thing that I wanted to document about my pregnancy experience-- I found at one of my previous appointments that I have a heart shaped uterus. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that my baby just gets to grow in a home that is shaped like the symbol for love- it also means that the baby may not turn properly to be able to be delivered vaginally- but it's hard to say so early on. The doc said that it may correct itself or the baby might be able to be turned when the time comes. It doesn't mean that I will for sure need a c-section, but it's a possibility, so I am preparing myself for either scenario.

Since I often find myself sitting at home, feeling miserable, I watch a lot of Netflix (we got rid of cable about a year ago, so my options for tv are limited.) Yesterday I got the urge to see what baby/pregnancy inspired shows and movies were on there and stumbled across a documentary called "The Business of Being Born."  I was prepared for a bunch of hippie propaganda, and to a certain extent it kinda was- but they also presented a lot of other information and options that I wasn't aware of as a first time mom. It didn't change my mind about loving my O.B. and wanting to give birth in a hospital-- the idea of a home birth just doesn't really appeal to me at all, and with some of the issues I have going on, I don't know that I am even a good candidate for home birth- but I do feel a bit more educated on the labor and delivery process. Oh, and it didn't sway my opinion one way or the other when it comes to getting an epidural- if I feel I need one I am going to get one. The documentary did reaffirm my position of not being induced though- I have always that induction seemed weird and unnatural and that the baby is going to come out when it's ready to come out. The only reason I would consider it at all is if I was going like WAY beyond my due date or the baby was like hulk HUGE. It also peaked my interest on learning a bit about hypnobirthing- not in place of epidural for delivery, but more for the early labor and the beginning of active labor.

I also watched half of the 4 part sequel, called "MORE Business of Being Born" and part of that was a bunch of celebrity moms talking about their birthing experience. I felt that portion to be VERY reassuring and helpful! Not so much the fact that they were celebrities, it could have been any women, but to hear so many different stories about how/where they decided to deliver, what their labor was like, complications that arose- it was all good info- and it's great to hear real life experience and not just read "What to Expect" and other pregnancy literature.

So, that is what has been happening in my little pregnant world lately. I will probably post again after our ultra sound next week!

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