Friday, January 25, 2013

18 weeks

Well I am in bed feeling horrid for the second day in a row- so I writing this blog from my phone snuggled up with a bunch of pillows. I can't decide if this is pregnancy related sickness or if I picked something up from someone or something or somewhere... Whatever it is- it sucks!!! Part of me hopes I got it somewhere else because that means it will be going away sooner than 5 months from now. I don't have a fever- so that is good....

Anyway, back to baby related news. Last week we bought a new mattress! I am thrilled! It's a memory foam mattress and it's so much more comfortable on my achy pregnant body than our springy mattress was. I sleep much better now. Nathan does keep mocking me though- every now and then he lays down on the bed and says "It's like all pressure points are just melting away. No more pressure points..." I just roll my eyes at him. I think he likes the new mattress too. My favorite part is that I can't feel it when he gets up in the morning! With our old mattress, I would wake up almost any time he moved and especially if he got out of bed. It's been great!

On the 21st we had our anatomy ultra sound. I will post pictures later when I can make my way to the computer. I drank a Jamba Juice and ate some skittles on our way to doctors office; I heard that would help get the baby moving for the scan. It worked! The little was moving all over the place. It's little mouth was moving and Dr. Tutt said s/he was talking to us. We got to see it sucking it's thumb too- it was so cute! All the measurements were right track for how far along I am- so my due date didn't change at all. We also found out that the baby weighs a whopping 8 oz already! They grow up so fast!

Now as for the gender- I had said in my last post that we were going to do a baby shower combined with a gender reveal. Well after some "discussion" that plan or tossed out the window. My logic was that if didn't tell people the gender that we would get more things on our registry that we need- rather than being swamped with gender specific items like clothing. Nathan thought this was a dumb idea and said i people want to buy us clothes or other things that aren't on the registry- they are going to- whether they know the gender or not. So- is it a boy or girl?? You have to wait another month before I post it on here! The doctor checked and gave us a "Most likely/ probably/ pretty sure" but he wants to verify it our next appointment in February. So we have told immediate family what the "probably" is- but we aren't making an official announcement until the sex is verified next month. I am going with my gut and assuming the doc is right- I went out that same night and bought some gender specific clothing at Carter's. :)

I don't really have much else to report right now. I have started experiencing one new symptom more and more frequently- heart burn! fun! ...not. And I am getting fatter... I mean- pregnant-er... More pregnant... My pants don't even come close to buttoning anymore. I will try to post another pic of my growing belly soon too. Looking forward to the halfway mark in 2 weeks! I may or may not post before then- depends on if this sickness let's up! Bye for now!

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