Wednesday, May 29, 2013

less than a month

Yep- it's right around the corner. It feels incredibly close now- but it's still hard to wrap my head around. In 30 days or less we are going to be parents- like to a tiny human. Craziness. I'm not freaking out or anything, it's just a strange concept to really grasp- if that makes any sense at all.

This past weekend we had the pleasure to go to 2 Memorial Day weekend BBQs. One on Saturday at my cousin Desiree's house and another on Monday at Marvin and Sarah's. BOTH involved a swimming pool- which was glorious. I wish I had a car everyday so I could go somewhere to swim. We were playing water volleyball on Monday, and when I got out of the pool to grab the ball I was like "Holy Cow! My belly feels so freaking heavy coming out of the water!"

Just when I think I can't get more uncomfortable- it happens. New aches and pains and discomforts arise almost daily. Sleeping is even harder than before. Last night I started in a normal position on the bed, then turned with my head at the foot of the bed, then dogs woke me up and that wasn't comfortable anymore, and I moved to the floor and was awake for about 2 hours- and when I did fall asleep the hardness of the floor made me need to roll over like every 20-40 minutes, then I woke up around 6 and moved back to the bed and couldn't get comfortable and cried for 2 hours and tried a variety of positions. I was so tired and just wanted to sleep but the comfortable positions made it hard to breath and the easy to breath positions just weren't comfortable. I even tried sitting on the floor with my back against the wall, and sitting along side the bed, resting my head on the mattress. It was very distressing. I tried snuggling up with Nathan to help calm me down, but of course, that turned into a hard to breath position. Finally I found a semi-comfortable position and my body just gave in to the exhaustion and I fell asleep for another couple hours before starting my day. I will probably be on the couch the remainder of my pregnancy.

This boy of mine is almost constantly moving and stretching out my belly which is less fun as he is getting bigger. He often makes it look like I have an alien living inside me because his movement is very visible from the outside nowadays. I'm pretty sure I have been experiencing braxton hix contractions. This weekend I was having some sorta something going on in my back- it happened about 5-6 times on Saturday and felt what I imagine would be contraction like, but it was in my back, not my belly. Hopefully when I go into labor, I don't wind up with back labor because it hurt....and really SUCKED!

My blood pressure has been running high and I have had disgusting swelling, so I get to go to a bonus doctor's appointment on Thursday and I am supposed to be keeping off my feet as much as possible. I have too much to do to be put on bed rest! We'll see what happens. I am really worried that it's going to wind up being preeclampsia and they are going to induce me early and/or I am going to have to have a scheduled c-section. Well, I guess it's dumb to worry until I know more. I will blog again once I know something.

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