Tuesday, June 17, 2014

quick update

Xander is napping, but who knows for how long, so I have to make this quick.

My last doctor's appointment was like the shortest ever. My appointment was at 9am and I was out of there with my next appointment set by 9:04.

Everything looked good. My blood work all looked good. I was starting to gain weight, rather than lose which is good. The baby's heart rate was good. And that was that.

Next appointment is the big reveal- will Lunt baby #2 be a boy or a girl? I am crossing my fingers and hoping for a boy, but I have a feeling that it's going to be a girl.

I learned today that even though I am 16 weeks along, I still need anti-nausea medication or I will start my morning hugging the toilet and feel nauseated all day long. Bummer- because that stuff is expensive! I wish Zofran worked for me this time round, it's like a 1/5 of the price of this new stuff. But I will happily pay not to puke!

I am starting to look kinda pregnant- but mostly just fat. My first pregnancy left me with a lose, flabby tummy- so even though my belly has popped, it's kinda droopy and looks more like a beer gut than baby bump. Which makes me kinda sad.... I wanted a cute bump again and I just don't think that will happen. I think I will just go from the awkward, "Is she pregnant or just fat?" stage to "Daaaaaaaaaaaaang! Is that twins?!" stage.

So, that's all for now- until we get the big news on July 9th. At least I've got Xander's first birthday to keep me busy until the end of the week!

1 comment:

Kassi said...

Have you tried Emertrol for nausea? It's been wonderful for me! Plus it's natural, tastes sweet, is less than $10, and can be found at most drug stores and Wal-Mart! I'm sure Target has it too but I haven't checked there! I can't wait to see what you guys are having!!