Wednesday, February 20, 2013

it's 99% official!

So we had our "confirmation" ultra sound on Monday. I was a bit concerned that we weren't going to get a confirmation before the doctor even came in. The nurse was using the doppler trying to find the baby's heartbeat and she had the hardest time- she finally got it, really high and to the left. It was like the little one was playing hide and seek! Then, when Dr. Tutt came and started the ultra sound the baby had it's hands down between it's legs- and I thought to myself- well, if it's playing with itself it must be a boy! Ha! With a little extra pressure and some jiggling of my belly hands were finally out the way- but then it didn't want to spread those legs! It took a little while but Dr. Tutt finally said that he was 99% sure it was a boy. He isn't going to mark 100% in the file until he can get a better picture.

This is the picture that we did get. I went ahead and labeled it because I know most people would look at it and have no idea what they are looking at. If you still can't tell, you will just have to trust me!

I am so excited to be having a little boy! When the doctor told us at our original appointment that he was pretty sure it was a boy I was kind of in shock- for some reason, before I even got pregnant, I just assumed that we would wind up with a girl. Nathan just got a giant smile on his face and said "I told you it would be a boy! You said it was up to me, and I decided a long time ago that we would have a boy."

He is so proud that his little swimmers gave us a baby with a penis- it makes me laugh. He is going to be such a good daddy. I can't wait for him to be able to feel the baby kick. We tried to get him to feel last night- but the kicks aren't strong enough yet for him to be sure that he's feeling it. He thought maybe he felt something, but wasn't sure. I could feel them, but I am also feeling it from the inside, so it's probably easier for me to identify. I'm sure he will be able to feel it soon- the little guy is moving around more and more and getting stronger everyday- making me very aware that I am actually sharing my body with someone and not just feeling sick.

I was really excited last week because I was kinda playing with him- I would push on my tummy and he would kick in the spot I pushed. We went back and forth for a few minutes- I thought it was adorable.


My awesome mother-in-law gave me some money to shopping and get some maternity clothes. I have been meaning to get some, but have been putting it off. I figured since I had money specifically designated for the cause, I might as well do it.  I hit up Ross and Old Navy and this is what I got:

7 shirts and one pair of denim capri pants. Maternity shopping wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was actually fairly enjoyable. It's much easier to shop when you can only shop in one small department. Ross only has one rack that is maternity and only a small section that fit me- so I was able to find the things I like, try them on, pay and just get in and out really quick. I hit up like 4-5 different Ross stores. Old Navy took a little more time because for some reason I wear a size smaller in shirts there- so I had some extra trying on to do. I wanted to get more bottoms, but most of what I found was long pants, and it's going to start getting HOT and I am not going to want to wear jeans in the next month or so. I will need to go out again once the spring/summer clothes comes out- or find some stuff online.


And like I promised- here is an updated baby bump photo. I am 21 weeks 5 days in this picture.

 I actually really like this picture- it's the first time in a long time that I have felt remotely attractive. I finally got around to waxing my man brows and mustache- so I have a more feminine looking face now. I actually put on a little bit of make-up and I am wearing clothing that is made for my ever expanding body for a change. It's amazing what those little things can do for your self esteem.

I have had a hard time with all the body changes. I wasn't thrilled with my bod before this blessed miracle occurred- and I had been dieting and exercising and watching gut flatten out and the number go down on the scale-- so seeing things change in the opposite direction has been a little rough. I'm pretty sure my hips have gotten a bit wider, my thighs are even fatter, my face is chunkier, and of course the belly just keeps getting bigger. Not to mention the swelling I've had often makes my fingers and toes look like chunky sausages. Something changes with my body literally every day. I do have the boobs of my dreams though- minus the sensitive nipple part- so I guess that's a plus. Also, I am in love my pregnancy hair! All in all I try to just take in stride, but with my hormones completely out of control, sometimes it's hard to love my pregnancy curves.

That's all for now!

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