Tuesday, February 12, 2013

more than half way!!

So as of this morning, I am 20 weeks 5 days along. Assuming that I go full term I am half-way done with this pregnancy!! According to my "What to Expect" app- our baby is as long as a banana (appx 7") and should weigh around 11 oz- though at our last ultra sound the little one was weighing in a few ounces heavier than what the app estimated, so who knows! Our next ultra sound is less than a week away! Hooray!

I spend a lot of time reading and posting on the message boards for the "What to Expect" app- and sometimes I forget to post some of that same information on the blog- so today I am sifting through some of my posts to bring you little tid-bits that have gotten missed and I will also cover.
Is anyone else still throwing up?
Yes. In fact just this morning, I emptied all my tummy juices in the trash can before even getting out of bed. **I love the "is anyone else...." posts. It's nice knowing I am not alone.

My husband has started sleeping on the couch because I flip flop too much. How do you and your husband share your bed?
We bought a memory foam mattress which makes my flip flopping less noticeable to him and vise versa. He has learned to put up with some extra pillows in the bed too- other than that we sleep the same way we usually do. Once my belly is bigger we might arrange something else because our queen bed may start feeling crowded.

How do you plan on preparing your dog(s) for baby?
We are planning to carry around a doll a little while before the baby is born so they learn to leave it alone and not jump up. We also plan to have as much baby stuff set up beforehand as possible (crib, pack n play, baby swing, bouncer) to give them a chance to sniff it and get use to it being around, and if it is an issue to also teach them not to jump up on it. We might even buy some cd's that have baby noises- like crying, cooing, laughing- that you can play to get the dogs used to the sounds.

Anyone plan on getting their baby girls ears pierced?
If we have a girl, I plan to get them pierced as early as possible- before she has the coordination to intentionally grab at her ear- to lower the risk of infection. **This is what we like to call a "hot topic"- some people are VERY opinionated about it and think that it's child abuse or mutilation. I, obviously, do not agree.

What is the normal amount of time for hubby to be with you after the birth? This is our first and mine said he's never heard of the dad even taking two days off work to be with the mom. Will your hubby home with you at all?
Nathan doesn't get designated "Paternity Leave" but he is able to use any and all sick time he has accumulated and plans to do so. He also plans on using some vacation time. We are hoping for him to have close to 2 weeks when the baby comes. We have also talked about him taking maybe a week off and then doing half days for a week or two to kind of ease us into a schedule where he is at work.

I went food shopping hungry- ended up with a bag Cadbury mini eggs thinking I could pace myself. Half the bag is gone already :-( Anyone else do something like that today?
I ate almost an entire bag of root chips in one sitting and another time I ate half a pack of "share size" starbursts. Other than that, I have been pretty good.

When do you plan on setting up the crib?
We have purchases our crib and it is sitting in our soon to be nursery, but it is still in the box. Nathan wants to get it set up soon, because he is logical and wants to make sure we have all the pieces and stuff. I want to wait a little longer, because it still seems really soon. We haven't made a definite decision yet.

How many woman on here are considering getting their baby boy circumcised and why?
If we have a boy we plan on getting him circumcised. I have always been of the opinion that if that dad is, the son should be- OR that the decision should be left up to the dad- after all, he is the one with the penis, not me. **Oh my heavens, this is another "hot topic" This post had nearly 100 responses- the average post only gets 10-20.

My 11 yr old daughter told me a "fun fact" yesterday. There are 84 people in the U.S. named "LOL". Yes, LOL. I'm pronouncing it L-O-L but maybe it's Loll or Lowl. I don't know. Either way, it's the absolute worst.
Our last name starts with an L and I wanted to name our someday daughter Lillian Olivia until I realized her initials would be Lol. So if we have a girl, we'll switch the middle name to May.
Placental encapsulation-Just wondering if anyone here has done it or is planning to do it?
Nathan has a friend that is a doula that does it- I don't know if it's a service all doulas offer or not. She will also make your placenta into a smoothie for you drink if you'd like. Personally the thought of either makes me gag. I'm not interested but I know there are a lot of ladies that are. To each their own.

So my brother in law had a baby who will be coming home soon. He got bags of hand me downs and keeps offering us the hand me downs he doesn't want. I told him KEEP IT! This will probably be our only child and my baby deserves nice NEW things. I grew up with hand me downs and I know it sounds spoiled of me but I work, make a decent living and could buy my baby new clothes. Makes me angry.
We can afford to buy our baby new clothes too- but we are thrilled to get hand me down that are in good condition. Babies don't stay small for very long and it's not like the kid knows some other baby wore it. If I can get some cute outfits, in good condition for free I am all for it. A lot of people appreciate the opportunity for hand me downs no matter what their financial situation. I'd rather take hand me downs and then use the money we would have used on clothes for fun things like family vacations!

Belly touches- yay or nay?
PLEASE do not touch my belly without permission, and if you ask be prepared for me to say no. I do not like people touching me even when I am not pregnant. My thought is, unless you are the one who put this baby inside me or you are the one I am paying to take it out- NO TOUCHY!

Have you felt the baby move? Do you feel on one side more than the other?
Yes, I have been feeling movement for a couple weeks now. Nothing huge, and I can only feel internally- nothing from the outside yet. I feel it almost exclusively on my left side, but that could be due to the whole heart-shaped uterus thing. Also, I have some extra tummy fluff and my placenta is in the front- so I don't feel as much as other people might at this stage in pregnancy. I am really looking forward to when Nathan can feel our little one move too. I hear it should happen in the next few weeks.

Do you have an OB or midwife? Why?
The midwife route just never appealed to me. I don't have anything against them- I am just one of those better safe than sorry people and want to be prepared for every possible scenario and I personally feel that an OB/Gyn is better equipped to do so. I know plenty of people who have used a midwife with no problems or complications and loved it- it's just not for me. I have an OB whom I adore. He delivers and has a great working relationship with the hospital I want to deliver at. His office runs very efficiently- everyone there is so nice and helpful. Whenever I have a question I feel listened to and get the answers I need. When I had spotting he got me in within an hour of my call. And my absolute favorite thing about my OB- Having an Ultra sound machine in his exam room lets me see my baby every time I go in! I couldn't ask for more.

Ok, so there are some things that have been on my mind and that I have posted about the last month or two. There are a lot of other silly, random posts too- mostly about food and tv shows or sex and boobies- but I figure most readers of this blog don't want hungry pregnant lady babble or TMI about my sex life or ever changing breasts.

In other baby news- I had a surprise trip to my doctor's office this past week- so they could just check my blood pressure. I called because I was concerned that my fingers had turned into sausages over night- and that can be a warning sign for preeclampsia. Luckily, all is well. My blood pressure is totally fine, but they told me to monitor it home if I can- so I borrowed a blood pressure cuff from my mom.  The nurse told me that swelling is just an annoying pregnancy symptom that just about everyone has to deal with- some (like me) just experience it a lot earlier than others. Lucky me!

I have also come to the realization that maybe part of why the first half of my pregnancy sucked so much was because of my attitude. So I am making a conscious effort to try and be more positive and get up and do more stuff- even when I feel really crappy. So far, so good- only about 19 more weeks to tough out!

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