Thursday, February 28, 2013

weekly update

First, I wanted to start off this week by expressing how truly grateful I am to be experiencing all this. It's not fun, and it may seem like I am complaining a lot- but the truth is I really couldn't be happier. It's hard to believe that just about 6 months ago I was convinced that I would probably never know what it was like to carry a child in my womb- and that thought was absolutely heart breaking. It also made me do a lot of thinking and soul searching about what was important to me- like did I really want to be pregnant or did I just want a baby? Was it important to me that my child have my genes? Nathan's gene? Would I really be ok with adoption or foster care?- I won't go into all my answers to those questions right now- that's a whole other blog post in and of itself- but my point is, so many people never even have to sort through those thoughts. The decide they want to get pregnant and have a baby and they do. It wasn't that easy for us. I went through a lot emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically to get to where I am today- and I think that makes me appreciate this miracle even more. Like I said earlier, I may not always show it but I am beyond thrilled to be pregnant and to be becoming a mommy; an experience that many women take for granted and that many other women would die to have. I am so in love with the little boy growing inside me and there is still 17 more weeks until he is due to make his big debut. I feel more connected to him every day- especially since he is moving around a lot more these days. I can't wait for the day that Nathan and I can hold him in our arms and kiss his sweet little face.

Anyway, I have just really been thinking about that a lot this week and wanted to get those feelings documented! On to my latest pregnancy developments!

#1- I am beginning to have a hard time tying my shoes. We were getting ready to go somewhere the other day and I learned that I can't just sit on the edge of the bed and lean over to tie my sneakers. I got one shoe on and then laid down on the bed and and brought my foot up and awkwardly tied it the best I could. I asked Nathan for help with second one and he said "You can still do it- you're not that big yet... Besides this is hilarious to watch!" Gee, thanks love. The second shoe I found a way that was a little bit easier- with both legs spread apart and then I managed to hoist my one foot up onto the bed- kinda like my legs were making the number 4 and I awkwardly tied that show kinda sideways. But I did it! Later that day I was doing some running around with my sister for her birthday and my shoe came untied. I said screw it- I am only tying my shoe one time per day! But it was really bothering Jessica, so she got down and tied it for me. I told her she was nicer than Nathan. Ha!

#2 - Rolling over is another thing that has become more difficult. I am not sure why- but in the past week, while I am sleeping- when I need to roll over I have a really hard time. It kinda hurts! It's definitely uncomfortable. Who knew something so simple could become such a chore! I try to reposition my legs and hips- just about anything to keep from having to roll over to my other side- but I still wind up having to do it at least 3-4 times a night. I imagine this issue is going to become more challenging over the next few months.

#3 - My nose! The preggo books and apps warned me about runny noses, congestion, and even bloody noses weeks ago- but I have really been dealing with them full force this week. Gross- and frustrating. I hate hate hate not being able to breathe! Thank heaven for Breathe Right Advanced strips for sleeping at night.... Or so I thought! Turns out that those little suckers have started leaving a bruise on the bridge of my nose! Ugh! That's not very sexy! Oh well, I would still rather breathe than let my vanity get the best of me.

#4- I have been having some craaaaaaazy dreams! I must say though, I am glad they aren't nightmares. I know lots of women have very upsetting and scary dreams during pregnancy. Mine are just plain weird- which is saying something because I thought had weird dreams before. Here is my most recent weird dream:

 I dreamt that I gave birth at my house on the couch and the baby was the size of a 3 month old. I carried across the street to wear my parents lived (which is not accurate) to show off the cutie and while I was there I looked in his mouth and he had as many teeth as an 18 month old. The doctor told me it was fine he was just an early bloomer. Then by the next morning he was the size of a 3 year old and could walk and by the next night he could talk. I was super distressed because I had bought a bunch of baby stuff that he never fit into.

Well I think that's all for now. I think I will need start writing myself little reminders about what I want to blog about; pregnancy brain is starting to get the best of me!

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